This is a quick start guide to get you up and running with Content Guardian. We have built this tool to be quick and easy to use.
To start you need to sign in or create an account. You can do this by clicking on the button below
You will then see the below screen. If you are signing up then click on the sign up link. If you have already registered then log in.

If you haven’t registered then you will need to sign up for a plan. After clicking on sign up and creating an account you will directed to Stripe to set up your subscription. You will see the following screen.

Fill in your details and click Subscribe. You will then be redirected to the app.

From this dashboard, you can check how many checks (words) you have remaining, view previous checks, start a new check and view all plans.
Start a new check
There are 2 ways you can run a check. Via the Web App or via the Content Guardian WordPress Plugin.
Web App
To check your content via the Web App, click Start a new check. You will then see the Start New Check screen.

Add in your title and copy in your content. The Web App will remove any styling applied to the copy. Once you have all your content in the relevant boxes, click Check Now.

Checking only takes a short while. You will be redirected to the check details screen.

As the results come back from our integration partners you will see the scores update automatically. Once all the scores are returned we then calculate the Content Guardian Score. These results are the overall AI Probability scores that each checker has returned. You will notice that some checker’s scores will be different. Different AI content Checkers are trained on different data sets ranging from general news to marketing and academic content. This is the key benefit of Content Guardian, you get confidence by comparing multiple checkers.
Our Content Guardian Score Algorithm takes these factors and multiple other factors into consideration to give you an overall AI Probability Score.

Sentence level analysis
When you scroll down you will also see (when available) AI Probability scores by sentence. To see the sentence level AI probability click on the checkers on the right-hand side. You will see the sentences highlighted from Green to Red. There is a key that details what the colors represent.

It is important to note that you will see some of these scores at odds with the overall. The reason for this is that there is a lot less data for the large language models to analyse and create accurate predictions. Read more about the difference between overall and sentence-level scores. Sentence level scores should only be used as an indicator of where the content needs attention.
WordPress plugin
You can start a check via the native WordPress plugin. You can download the plugin via the WebApp > Integrations screen.

When on the integrations screen you will then need Add Key, as this is needed for the plugin to connect to Content Guardian. Click on Add Key. Create a reference (such as the website you will install it on). Click Add New. The system will create a long API Key.

From here you can download the plugin via the Download Plugin button. This will download a Zip file. Install the plugin via Add New Plugin > Upload Plugin > Select the zip file.
Once installed and activated you will see Content Guardian in the Admin Left Menu. Click on it and go to settings. This is where you need to add the API Key you created in the previous step.

Copy and paste the key and Save API Key. You have the option to select which Post types you would like to use Content Guardian with. Make your selection and click Save Post Types. You are now ready to use Content Guardian natively within WordPress.
To start a new check go to a new post or existing post. When you are in the post admin screen you will see a new button in the top right toolbar called Check Score. Click on it and you will see the below side bar screen.

Click check score once you are ready to check. The plugin will pull the content from your post (we currently only fully support Gutenberg / Classic Editor and support for Elementor – if the content is saved in the Post Content Field). Once the results have returned you will see the overall Content Guardian score and the individual scores from our integration partners.

Just like in the Web App, you can also view the sentence level analysis by clicking on Highlight likely AI Sentences. This will open up a modal pop-up where you can review the sentence-level AI probability.

Not all checkers return sentence-level analysis, as it is dependant on the number of words in the post. If you want to re-check after making amends then you can do this by clicking on Re-check button

To make it easy to know if the article has been checked you will know this is there is a score associated to the post. If you see a %age number next to the Content Guardian logo you will know a check has been run.

Previous Checks
Web App
To review previous checks you just need to click on Previous Checks. This will display all checks completed via the WebApp or WordPress plugin. To review the results click on the results button.

WordPress Plugin
To view previous results via the WordPress Plugin click on the Content Guardian Menu Item > History

This will show all checks via the plugin and Web App. To view the results on the Web App click on the Date time link. To view the post click on the post title link.
You will also notice two new columns in the post list admin screen. The columns label CG – Score, CG – Scan Date. This will display the latest Results.